Ultimate Guide to Salesforce Higher Education with Forms
Getting an education is one of the most important stepping stones to a brighter future, and a flourishing career. The skills, and insights we gain while studying are carried with us throughout life, never leave us, and help us make more informed decisions in everything that we do. Higher Ed institutions are all about providing these learning experiences, and helping students of any age, grow into the person they want to become. But what is Salesforce education and where do Salesforce Forms fit into this journey?
Is Paperwork & Red Tape holding back Institutional Success?
Unfortunately this journey towards excellence is not without red tape, for institutions or students. The endless forms required for college can be a full time job, so is there no alternative? Are students doomed to spend more time filling in applications than becoming qualified? And are institutions destined to be hamstrung with admin, scrambling for time to spend on proper teaching?
Salesforce for Higher Ed
This is where the world’s leading CRM comes in. Salesforce has had transformative impact across the field of Higher Ed through introducing breakthrough products such as the Education Cloud, EDA, Admissions Connect, and the Student Success Hub for Higher Education. To read more about the benefits of Salesforce for Higher Education Institutions, we recommend you check out our article on Titan and Salesforce for Higher Ed.
Salesforce allows you to store all education data in one centralized location, get a detailed view of each and every student, as well as build an engaged, truly connected campus. There is no more powerful data source on earth, meaning Salesforce contains all the information you need to fill out forms in no time. So how does this look? And is it easy to do?
Salesforce has the high quality data you need to automate and personalize admission forms, grade reports, evaluations, and much more. The only problem is that Salesforce doesn’t have its own online form builder, and without coding expertise and experience, it’s not the easiest tool to use. Is there a solution? Well, here at Titan, we want to broaden the ways in which organizations use Salesforce, which is why we offer a powerful no code Salesforce forms. Keep reading to find out more about Salesforce for education.
Salesforce Forms: Zero Code, Zero Limits!
We don’t take our name from the ancient Greek Gods for nothing, and our speed, agility, precision, and power in developing zero code Salesforce forms is unmatched.
In the world of Higher Ed Salesforce this means generating branded, pre-populated application forms, automating grade reports, and capturing registration details in seconds. All this happens through live push and pull of Salesforce data, no code, and no effort required. What does this mean? Well there are zero limits for your Higher Ed Institution, and you get the chance to create accurate, customized web forms at scale, exactly the way you want. Read on, to find out more about our forms for Higher Education.
Education Cloud: 20 Salesforce Forms to Transform Higher Ed
1. Student Grade Reports
Who fills these in, and why?
Students really wish they filled these out, but in reality it’s up to a professor or teaching assistant to make sure these are completed accurately, and on time. These reports contain all grades for a relevant course, and other relevant information on the student’s academic performance. check out more options in our Salesforce AppExchange page.
100% Salesforce Integrated
Titan grade reports provide greater transparency on how students are doing in their courses, or modules, over a given semester. Through live pull of Salesforce records, Titan is able to pre-populate grade reports with student details, making the job a whole lot faster for professors. Once the report is filled out, the information is fed back to Salesforce instantly providing a more complete view of the student.
2. Scholarship Application Forms
Who fills these in, and why?
Gifted students, who are leaders in their respective fields, fill in scholarship application forms to secure funding and recognition for their achievements. If successful, they receive financial backing from the college, and the prestige of winning a top award.
100% Salesforce Integrated
With Titan, all scholarship application forms are 100% integrated with the Salesforce #1 CRM . This means they can be pre-prepared for students using live Salesforce data, and once submitted, all information is fed back into the Salesforce ecosystem. This enables institutions to get the most complete view of the applicant, and make the right decision for a scholarship award.
3. College Application Forms
Who fills these in, and why?
This is one of the most important forms of many people’s lives, and college application forms are filled in by everyone, and anyone who wishes to attend college. If admitted, the applicant gets a chance to pursue higher education at an institution of their choosing.
100% Salesforce Integrated
Once submitted, all Titan’s college admission forms are sent to Salesforce in live time, for a 360 degree view of the applicant, their profile, and their fit for the college. Students know their data is secure, while colleges are assured of the most in depth view of the admission process.
4. Enrollment Forms
Who fills these in, and why?
Enrollment forms are filled in by students, who wish to enroll in a college or university. These forms provide institutions with essential data on applicants they have already accepted, and help to confirm admission.
100% Salesforce Integrated
Titan’s enrollment forms come pre-populated, and personalized for each student. This data is pulled from Salesforce in real time, saving students from tedious manual admin. Once complete, the enrollment information is sent back to Salesforce, giving institutions a complete view of new students.
5. Course Registration Forms
Who fills these in, and why?
Course registration forms are filled in by students, who wish to register for a particular course or program. These forms contain details specific to each student such as student ID, and majors, so that colleges can keep an accurate record of who is registered for each class.
100% Salesforce Integrated
Titan’s course registration forms come pre-filled, and customized to each student. This data is fetched from Salesforce in live time, saving students the hassle of manually filling in every field. Once complete, the registration information is fed back to Salesforce, giving institutions the most comprehensive data on course participation.
6. Student Peer Evaluation Forms
Who fills these in, and why?
Student peer evaluation forms provide valuable insight into how classmates feel about each other, and perform in group activities. Students fill these evaluation forms out to provide feedback on their peers, and give the professor greater insight into skills that might not feature in formal academic grading such as teamwork.
100% Salesforce Integrated
All information in student peer evaluation forms comes pre-prepared with the most up to date Salesforce data. Once complete, this information is sent to Salesforce in a matter of seconds, meaning institutions and professors can compare these details against a broader picture of the student being reviewed. All of our apps are part of the salesforce appexchnage store.
7. Student Self-Evaluation Forms
Who fills these in, and why?
Students fill in self-evaluation forms to provide personal feedback on their own progress. This information can help students get a clearer idea of their own academic journey, and also gives professors a better idea of the student experience.
100% Salesforce Integrated
Titan’s student self-evaluation forms come personalized to each student. Once they are filled in, the responses are integrated with relevant Salesforce records in live time, for a complete view of each and every student’s perspective.
8. Professor & Teacher Assessment Forms
Who fills these in, and why?
These forms can be filled out by a fellow teaching professional or superior, in order to rate the competencies of the professor or teacher being reviewed. These are essential for gauging the performance of academic staff and making sure they deliver quality classes.
100% Salesforce Integrated
All information in Titan’s Professor and Teacher Assessment Forms is fully integrated with the #1 CRM, meaning that institutions have a complete view of teaching faculty, stored in one central location.
9. Teacher of the Year Nomination Forms
Who fills these in, and why?
Teacher of the year nomination forms can be filled out by students, fellow academic staff, administrators, or college leaders. These forms nominate a professor or teacher based on excellence in a particular year. They are a great way of providing recognition for staff who have gone the extra mile.
100% Salesforce Integrated
Titan’s teacher nomination forms can come branded for your college, based on live pull of Salesforce data. Once filled in, the nomination is sent to Salesforce in real time, where it can be compared against other responses.
10. Student Interaction Forms
Who fills these in, and why?
Professors and teachers fill in student interaction forms in order to keep detailed records of check-ins with students. During individual student check-ins, a professor or teacher asks the students questions regarding their academic progress, and overall wellbeing.
100% Salesforce Integrated
With real time pull of Salesforce data, student interaction forms can be pre-filled with data specific to the student, or questions based on the previous check-in. Once complete, the record of this interaction is sent back to Salesforce, giving institutions an informed understanding of the student’s progress.
11. Alumni Membership Application Forms
Who fills these in, and why?
Alumni networks are an important way for peers to stay in touch, and often allow graduates of a specific institution to connect around professional interests. Alumni of a college or university fill in these forms to join the alumni community, and consent to receiving news and invitations.
100% Salesforce Integrated
Alumni membership applications are sent to Salesforce in live time, meaning individual alumni can be added to a larger community in a matter of minutes. Once in Salesforce, this information enables institutions to target the right individuals when seeking alumni engagement.
12. Research Application Forms
Who fills these in, and why?
Students and academic staff fill out research application forms to request permission to embark on particular research projects. If this application is approved, the college or university will usually allocate research time and resources to the individual engaging in research.
100% Salesforce Integrated
With Titan, research application forms come pre-populated with all relevant Salesforce data, such as terms and conditions of research, and pre-filled applicant data. Once complete, the application is pushed to Salesforce in seconds, where the approval team can compare it against the applicant’s overall profile.
13. Student Loan Application Forms
Who fills these in, and why?
Students fill out student loan application forms to request funding from their college or university. These forms are essential in ensuring that students get the financial support they need to conduct their studies.
100% Salesforce Integrated
Student loan application forms come pre-prepared with data fed live from the planet’s leading CRM, meaning they are super easy to fill out. Once complete, the form is sent back to Salesforce, where institutions can evaluate the funding request based on a student’s background, chosen field, and performance.
14. Student Transfer Application Forms
Who fills these in, and why?
Transfer application forms are filled out by students who wish to switch from one university or college to another. Reasons for this include receiving more specialized teaching in their chosen major, social pressures, or professional development opportunities offered at another college.
100% Salesforce Integrated
With Titan, all transfer applications are 100% Salesforce integrated. This means that the student’s current institution, and the one they wish to transfer to, have all the most accurate data on the student’s profile, and fully understand the justification for the move.
15. Study Abroad Application Forms
Who fills these in, and why?
Students who wish to engage in a course of study abroad fill out this application form. This might be via an exchange program with their current institution, or through any international organization. If successful, students get the chance to study in a different country, perhaps for the first time.
100% Salesforce Integrated
Study abroad opportunities can be competitive, which means applicants need to be fairly and accurately measured against each other. With Titan, all study abroad applications are fully Salesforce integrated, so reviewers can get all relevant information on applicants such as IELTS results, TOEFL scores, grade reports, and more.
16. Academic Advisor Forms
Who fills these in, and why?
Academic advisors usually fill out these forms on behalf of the students they are advising. They are the result of meetings between the advisor and the student, and usually contain requests such as a change of major, or an appeal.
100% Salesforce Integrated
Titan’s academic advisor forms come pre-filled with information personalized to the student, meaning advisors don’t need to spend hours manually filling in each section. Once submitted, these forms are fed live to Salesforce, where they create a more complete view of individual students.
17. Academic Integrity Forms
Who fills these in, and why?
All students and academic staff aiming to conduct original research, and submit papers, need to complete academic integrity forms. These forms attest to the fact that all work is original, non-plagiarized, and the intellectual property of the person responsible.
100% Salesforce Integrated
Academic integrity forms are a vital tool for protecting intellectual assets. Once these forms are filled in, the information is sent directly back to Salesforce, so that institutions can compare this information against an individual’s personal track records and performance.
18. Book Order Forms
Who fills these in, and why?
Students and academic staff fill out these forms, usually through a college or university library, in order to request a book. This book might be intended for a particular course of study, or to be used as a teaching aid.
100% Salesforce Integrated
The great part? All Titan’s Salesforce Forms for book orders enable the order to be associated with relevant Salesforce records on that book, as well as associated records. Institutions with access to these records, can get data on books similar to the one ordered, and look into acquiring more titles on that topic.
19. Interview Evaluation Forms
Who fills these in, and why?
Imagine a College Representative has just interviewed an outstanding candidate, and is full of bright ideas on how to smooth their admission process and guide their academic future. This is one of the exciting parts of being in Higher Ed, but academic staff usually have a million other interviews… And it’s easy to forget applicant details. This is where interview evaluation forms come in, which get filled in by a college staff member, to rate an interview they recently conducted.
100% Salesforce Integrated
Interview evaluation forms an be filled out instantly using Titan’s Salesforce Forms. Easy to use, pre-populated with applicant records, and 100% integrated with Salesforce, so interviewer’s don’t lose any of a candidate’s valuable data.
20. Recommendation Forms
Who fills these in, and why?
The best candidates often come highly recommended and if you want to admit high quality students, you need a smart recommendation process. Teachers and professors typically fill in recommendation forms in order to refer students to college. These forms are essential in making sure colleges admit the right students, and get a fuller picture of a student’s profile.
100% Salesforce Integrated
Titan’s customized recommendation forms contain information on the relevant applicant, can be automatically sent to referees, and the response added to the applicant’s Salesforce record, all with no code required. This makes the recommendation life-cycle more efficient, and guarantees that you catch the most promising talent.
Get Started with Titan’s Salesforce Forms for Higher Ed
Titan offers many more Higher Education form templates, and these are just a few. Check out our full range of templates for the Higher Ed, and the Education Sector as a whole, by visiting our Education forms library. Our challenge to you: if you can’t find a template you need, contact us and we will create it for you!
Want to learn more about Titan and Salesforce? Check out our forms on the Salesforce AppExchange.
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