Category: Industry

Titan Web Survey

Presenting Salesforce MVP: Marilo Meta

Welcome to Titan Talks, your destination for best practices and advice from all the greatest Salesforce professionals who enrich our community. Today, we chatted with Marilo Meta, who explains his Salesforce journey in Albania. Marilo is passionate about Salesforce and has been a part of the ecosystem for the last 8 years. He has attended Dreamforce events…

Streamlining Recruitment: Salesforce for HR Automation

“Attract and Retain the Best Talent for your Organization by using Salesforce for Recruiting.“ Don’t waste hours burdened with repetitive administrative tasks found in most recruitment processes. Why not use Salesforce for talent acquisition workflows? It is after all the world’s leading customer relationship management (CRM) platform. You can use this powerful platform to customize your workflows…

Tools for Non-Disclosure Agreements

NDA Template Essentials & Key Insights

“Create Strong Partnerships and Protect your Confidential Business Data with NDA templates“ Imagine your company taking the lead in a specific industry with advanced solutions! It’s not a far stretch if you keep your trade secrets and recently developed products confidential. To keep your market position or gain a competitive advantage, make sure your intellectual property and…

Streamline Tasks with Salesforce

Salesforce Communications Cloud in Action

“Elevate your Telecommunications Services with a Little Help from Communications Cloud” Imagine streamlining your daily tasks so that you can spend more time delivering exceptional customer service. With Communications Cloud, you can do just this! Join us in the short article below to learn about this specific Industry Cloud from Salesforce and how it can save you…

Salesforce Tools for Campaigns

Create Effective Campaigns Using Salesforce Email Template Builder

Salesforce email templates are used in campaigns to communicate with customers and leads faster than ever. They also help to maintain the look and feel of your brand within your emails so that you do not need to design them from scratch each time. Email templates and campaigns these days can also be personalized for any target…

Qualifying Leads with Salesforce

Streamlining Lead Conversion in Salesforce Workflows

Lead conversion in Salesforce consists of tasks and processes to turn qualified leads into accounts, contacts, and opportunities. But, what is a lead? A lead is a person or a company that shows interest in your business products or services. Sales agents often engage with leads to try convert them into customers. The tasks and processes that…

Customer Experience Projects with Titan

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Personalization

Previously known as Interaction Studio, Salesforce Marketing Cloud Personalization gives teams the power to visualize and manage their customer experience projects. This powerful feature also includes real-time customer interaction solutions. With Marketing Cloud and Salesforce, marketing professionals can boost customer engagement at the right time by using targeted content that consumers favor. Join us in the article below to…

Solutions for Healthcare

Everything You Need To Know About Salesforce Health Cloud Pricing 

To build the perfect solution for processes in the healthcare industry, you need to know about Salesforce Health Cloud. This cloud-based Salesforce platform was specifically created for organizations operating in the healthcare and life science sectors. It can be used to speed up processes that involve patient data and experiences. However, Salesforce offers many editions of Health…

Advice for Nonprofits

Breaking Down Salesforce Nonprofit Pricing

Do you work for a nonprofit or assist with management in this industry? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you would want to know about Salesforce’s Nonprofit pricing options. Salesforce is the world’s number 1 customer relationship management (CRM) platform with tools specifically designed to support nonprofit activities. So, join us in the…

Best Practices for Salesforce

Salesforce Implementation Advice for Trailblazers with Cyril Louis

Welcome to Titan Talks, your destination for best practices and advice from all the great Salesforce MVPs that enrich our community. In this session, Alice Meyer chatted with Cyril Louis, who discussed his take on Salesforce implementation. Cyril is a 5x Salesforce MVP and the founder of Mavericx. Cyril has attended many Salesforce events, such as World…