Titan X Lab Category: Open

Ability to Change a Power Table’s Salesforce Picklist Value

I have a Power Table with a column that pulls in picklist values from Salesforce. There are 5 values, but I would like one of them to be something different than what is in Salesforce.

Set Focus when opening component on Power table

Please add a “Set Focus” option on the power table sub component (such as Iframe or table). In the current situation and depending on the device and other features activated on the power table, the user doesn’t always see the sub component he just opened on his screen.

Have the Confirmation Emails be from the original sender, not from Titan licensee

Be able to have the Confirmation Emails that are sent to the Signer, show that they are coming from the actual SF user who sent the initial email (with the Titan Sign doc).  *We are able to get the initial email (with the Titan Sign doc) sent to the signer showing it coming from the sender (actual…

Have the version of the Titan Doc that was actually sent via email, be the version that gets saved in Files.

Save in Files the version* of the Titan Doc that was actually sent via email (in Salesforce), instead of the one (template) that is published.  *I downloaded on my desktop and edited a few values/answers in the document. Then I attached it to the Email that I sent via the Titan button in Salesforce. The email was…

Add a feature to the Word Addin automating pronoun selection and agreement

Add two related features to the Word Addin that would:  insert the correct pronoun based on a field on a Salesforce object or in a Web or Form parameter. For example, if the field is a picklist of preferred pronouns (he/his/him, she/hers/her, they/their/them), then this new feature would insert the correct word to fit the context. If…

Grammarly Integration into Text Boxes

It would be great to enable integration with Grammarly Text Editor SDK so that any text boxes could be checked by Grammarly before submission. 

export a list of projects

We have over 150 projects. To get an overview of them all (name and ID) is practically impossible. Can you introduce the ability to export a list of all projects and their IDs please? a CSV or Excel file will suffice. Thanks! 

Sorting Dynamic Picklist from Salesforce Ability

Currently, when you use Dynamic Picklist from Salesforce. It is loaded according to the Salesforce order.The problem is that different record-types might require different order.I therefore suggest using ordering ability for Dynamic Picklist from Salesforce.

Ability to run animation as user scrolls down a page.

It’ll be a nice feature to have to be able to set the animation to only run as a user scrolls down a page instead of the animation running all at once. 

Smart links to access webpage

Copy pasting the authentication code doesn’t work with our target audience. We want to have a magic link included in the auth email. This was available in forms 1.0 Please