Category: Titan CLM

Salesforce Tools for Team Communication

Salesforce Collaboration Tools: Enhancing Communication Across Departments

Clear communication between teams and departments is crucial for running a business well. When team members have a seamless way of sharing ideas with each other, the business is able to innovate and stay ahead of the tech curve. Increasing the amount of communication between team members also makes giving feedback on services and products easier so…

Tools for Non-Disclosure Agreements

NDA Template Essentials & Key Insights

“Create Strong Partnerships and Protect your Confidential Business Data with NDA templates“ Imagine your company taking the lead in a specific industry with advanced solutions! It’s not a far stretch if you keep your trade secrets and recently developed products confidential. To keep your market position or gain a competitive advantage, make sure your intellectual property and…

CLM Tools

Investment Contract Template: Simplifying Your Processes

“Turbocharge your Investment Contract Tasks for all Parties with Standard Templates “ Are you spending too many hours creating investment contracts from scratch whenever you need them? We get it! They need to be accurate and double-checked to ensure they contain all your legal requirements and are free from errors. But there is a better way of…

Contract Management Solutions

Addendum Vs. Amendment in Contract Management: Understanding the Differences

Addendum and amendment are terms often used in contract management circles. When communicating with colleagues and other parties in an agreement, it’s important to be clear and precise with instructions. For this reason, we look at when to use addendum versus amendment in contract workflows. As these two terms mean similar but non-identical things in document management,…

Salesforce Solutions for Sales

Salesforce Sales Cloud Pricing: Choosing the Right Plan for Your Business Needs

Whether you have less than 200 employees or over 10,000, Salesforce Sales Cloud has a solution to manage your entire sales process, improve sales efficiency, and boost productivity. Sales Cloud – a customer relationship management platform – was developed directly on the Salesforce Einstein Platform and gives you a 360° view of your customers to do anything…

Contract Solutions from Titan

Investor Agreement Template: A Guide to Structuring Solid Agreements

Investor agreements are legal documents that outline the terms and conditions of any investment between a company seeking capital and the investor. These legal agreements are vital to establish the responsibilities and expectations of both parties involved in the investment.  Some common types of investor agreements are:  A Term Sheet is often the first document drafted during…

Document Creation Solutions from Titan

Consulting Agreement Template: A Guide to Crafting Contracts for Different Industries

Templates speed up the creation of documents, like contract agreements. Creating templates in your business helps colleagues and clients communicate and work better. For example, a consulting agreement ensures all members understand the tasks that go into completing a project and the obligation of payment for services. Consulting agreements are popular in the business sector since they…

Titan Solutions for Business Agreements

Building a Comprehensive Consulting Contract Template: Essential Steps and Examples

Consulting contracts are a vital part of business agreements. They ensure that both parties are on the same page regarding services provided, and outlining the payment terms for those services. Your constracts should always be as comprehensive as possible and include any contingencies that may occur so there is no wiggle room for either party to try…

Real Estate Document Solutions

What Does “Under Contract” Mean in Real Estate?

This is a common question that we receive from readers. If you want to learn what this term means, too, join us in our article below. We will cover the meaning of “under contract”, take on interesting topics like contingencies, and explain other common real estate terms. But back to the question at hand, “What does a…

Successful Document Management Solutions

Crafting a Performance Contract: A Step-by-Step Guide to Ensuring Success

What is a Performance Contract? A contract can so easily be just a piece of paper, but wouldn’t it be great if it could be the script to success, where the scenes are meticulously planned, and all the actors know what is expected of them? A performance contract can be such a script where businesses and employees…