Microsoft Excel + TITAN

Exclusive to Titan is our Microsoft Excel add-in that helps your business generate documents and spreadsheets with data pulled directly from your Salesforce system in real-time.

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Titan’s Ideal Microsoft Excel Integration

Exclusive to Titan is our Microsoft Excel add-in that helps your business generate documents and spreadsheets with data pulled directly from your Salesforce system in real-time. Use Titan to generate, work with, and save your spreadsheets in Salesforce or any other external service of your choice. In this way, Titan assists Salesforce Excel Integration.

Titan provides your business with a no-code solution to expand your digital experience today!

Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel

What is Titan’s Solution for Microsoft Excel?

Titan is a certified Microsoft partner and allows your business to create seamless templates with the addon for MS Excel. Transform your business with Titan to award your business the option of generating documents and true XLSX files from Salesforce.

Keep in mind that these documents will consist of merged data dynamically pulled from Salesforce or online forms!

How Titan Works with Microsoft Excel

It’s no secret that Titan can merge your Salesforce data into your Microsoft Excel templates to create generated documents from Salesforce! Here are a few essential points demonstrating the robustness and flexibility of Titan in Microsoft Excel:

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Firstly, find our MS Excel add-on on the official Office store easily and readily available for download.
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Create all your templates with dynamic data stored within MS Excel.
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Pick up where you left off, and never redo spreadsheets again! Your generated MS Excel files from Salesforce will contain your pre-existing formulas and macros.
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Filter and export data to CSV files with Titan. Use this nimble function to export only necessary data for key project stakeholders.
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Use Titan and Salesforce to quickly filter through vast batches of information and export your data into CSV files, which can be powerfully manipulated and analyzed in MS Excel as spreadsheets.

Titan is the Best Fit for Microsoft Excel

Titan is the most well-suited tool for populating spreadsheets with multiple Salesforce objects at just a click of a button. Workflow processes are a breeze when combined with Titan’s automated features.

Titan can help you connect your custom Microsoft Excel templates and processes with Salesforce to work more efficiently. Contact Titan on one of our social media channels below and extend your digital experience with Microsoft Excel today!

Do you like this MS Excel Integration?

Get in touch with Titan to schedule a demo and elevate your Microsoft Excel Integrations today!

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