10,000 Salesforce Automations per Second!

That’s at least 60k automations per minute! Effortlessly streamline any business process at speed and scale using Titan’s no-code workflow tool for Salesforce

Automate any Workflow on the Planet
No-code Design
Build flexible and robust business processes with zero code using Titan Flow
3rd Party Integrations
Connect payment providers, cloud based storage, and much more!
End-to-end Secure
Our flows are 100% secure and compliant with HIPAA, SOC 2, ISO, GDPR and other leading frameworks
Workflows for any business use case you can dream of…
Use Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to read any file and push it to Salesforce
Titan’s OCR feature enables you to upload and process any doc you can think of to create Salesforce records in seconds
Streamline approval processes in Salesforce
Create, route, update, execute, and report on approval processes in Salesforce with Titan Flow
Connect your favorite third-party storage apps to Salesforce
You’re spoilt for choice with Titan’s wide range of storage integration options
Effortlessly merge any file for Salesforce
Automatically merge any file in any format you can think of using absolutely no-code with Titan for Salesforce
Scan barcodes to ramp up your workflows
Scan barcodes with ease and push them to Salesforce to automate business flows
Create fluent approval processes
Design and execute any approval process you can think of to connect users both in and out of Salesforce. From contract and budget approvals, to purchase requisitions and vacation requests, you can do it all using our no-code flow builder
Push and pull real-time Salesforce data
Create powerful workflows to push and pull real-time data directly to and from your team’s Salesforce databases. Automate every stage of your business processes while making Salesforce your single source of truth with Titan’s flexible flow tool
External file storage
With Titan, you can store files in and out of Salesforce. We integrate with all major third-party storage systems like OneDrive, Box, Dropbox, Amazon S3, and much more. You never need to feel stuck for space again
Payment integrations
Our smooth workflows for Salesforce integrate with countless leading payment platforms for secure and convenient transactions. Get fast checkouts and the ability to take on customers at scale when you choose a reliable payment provider
Titan Flow Features
Conditional Logic
Payment Integrations
Document Generation
ESignature Collection
Barcode Scanning
What types of business processes can you use with Titan flow?
You can mix and match different interfaces and build any business process, customized to your organization.
Are Titan Workflow Processes restricted to Salesforce Users?
No, Titan Flows allows us to connect different parts of Salesforce and users inside and outside Salesforce.
Can you use any Salesforce Object or Field to Work with your Flow?
Yes, both standard and custom objects and fields from Salesforce can be used with Titan Flow.
What types of integrations does Titan Flow provide?
Titan Flow integrates with Salesforce, payment providers, third-party storage apps, SAP, and lots more!
Does Titan Flow require coding experience?
No, Titan Flow requires zero coding experience.
Can you create approval processes using Titan Flow?
Yes, you can create any approval process you can think of using Titan Flow!
Can I follow an audit trail to check where my document is sent and viewed?
Yes, Titan enables you to track any audit trail including for your docs, forms, and surveys
Can I send automated emails using Titan Flow?
Yes, trigger emails using our flow builder, for example automatically send quotes with routine follow-ups at weekly intervals.