Titan X Lab Category: Titan Docs

Add a feature to the Word Addin automating pronoun selection and agreement

Add two related features to the Word Addin that would:  insert the correct pronoun based on a field on a Salesforce object or in a Web or Form parameter. For example, if the field is a picklist of preferred pronouns (he/his/him, she/hers/her, they/their/them), then this new feature would insert the correct word to fit the context. If…

Titan DocGen Log – record ID where the Titan Doc was generated

In the Titan DocGen Log, have the record ID (ie: Contact record ID) of the record where the doc was generated.

DocGen merge file in same order as Salesforce Listview it originates from

Merge of multiple records for document generation from a list view should merge the document in the same order the records are displayed in the list view it originates from….or there should be a way to tell it to do so in alphabetical order.

Add ‘copy to publish’ function in Excel add-in

Add the same functionality available in Word for Excel docs to copy the filters from Preview to Publish. This is currently done manually leaving room for errors.

Checkbox option to insert a blank line when there is no data to insert

In the Word Addin, add a checkbox option to the “add/edit field” dialog that would cause Titan to insert a blank line if the field is empty. The purpose is to draw the end user’s attention to the fact that there is missing data in the generated document. In effect this is like following the field with…

Rename a Collaborator Permission Set Group

It is possible to manage access to FT projects using Salesforce permission sets. This is a great feature. However, in the FT interace, you only see a generic name, eg “Permission Set Group 1”. It would be be useful to be able to rename the permission set group to be able to distinguish them easily, without having to…

Error log details for “QR bill data is invalid”

Titan Docs Swiss Qr-Bill generator can sometimes generate empty Qr-Bills, due to invalid data (missing required field etc). In this case, the only available information in Titan logs is “QR Bill Data is invalid“. It would be helpful to have more detailed log to understand which data field  causes the error, and so being able to fix it rapidly.

Extend Titan docs limit of 100 records merged document

Titan docs has a current limit of maximum 100 Salesforce records that can be selected to merge in one document (from a Salesforce list-view). As we use Titan doc to generate fund appeal letters from massive campaigns, this limit has to be extended to at least 500.

Organize Titan docs templates in folders

It would be a nice improvement to be able to organize Titan Docs templates (forms) in folders and subfolder, as it’s already available for other projects.

Filter Titan templates list in Salesforce UI

We do have a long list of Titan templates available. It would be nice to add a search box in the Salesforce Titan UI to filter the templates list by keywords, and so rapidly find the right one.