Titan X Lab Category: Open

Allow columns to be merged in a form

Rows are currently able to be merged, but we need to be able to merge columns as well in this form table.

Access power table or repeat column value in Conditions

The value of a row in a power table or a repeat column as well as the index or row number are visible when debugging but cannot be accessed in conditions to assign them to a variable for use elsewhere. In the example above, the Contact ID is the value for a particular row.  I would like…

Global Disable Tooltip

The subject says it all, adding the option in all products

More number formats in Power Table

The number format options in a PT column are restricted to international formats and currency. If the number you are pulling from SF is for example a file size, it would be great to have KB or MB format and/or to be able to show number in 000’s or 000,000’s which would work also for accounting or…

Variable Formula field “Date” for custom date calculations

Currently managing date changes (checking difference between two dates in days or months, moving a date forward or back by a static or field amount) requires sometimes complex java script. Would be a powerful feature to have a formula type “date” for variables and perhaps as an affect elements option (“increment date”) 

Adding payment processing in flows

We’d like the ability to add payment components in Titan Flows. We have over 50 payment components (because we have 50+ Stripe accounts). Since there isn’t an easy way to dynamically select a payment component to run, and we have to instead rely on large conditionals, we figure the next best thing is to setup a Payment…

Be able to print the Disclaimer entered and enabled in the Sign Builder project

For auditing purposes, it would be really useful to be able to print the disclaimer that the client agreed to before they signed the Titan Sign document.

Titan Sign Wizard-be able to sort the order of documents, including the Template

Currently, the “Show Disclaimer” option is not available in the Titan Sign Wizard. To get around this, when we are using the Titan Sign Wizard, we created a Disclaimer document in the Titan Sign Builder and we attach it as a Template with our documents that is being sent via the Titan Sign Wizard. BUT even if…

More informative messages when loading a project while no more APIs/Docs are available

When API/DocGen limit are reached, opening a project raises a message which is not informative enough – “project is disabled” Would help if the message would expicitly state the reason for this disable

Two sorting levels in power table

Add the option to sort a PT on more than one level/field.