Category: Marketing

Salesforce Tools for Campaigns

Create Effective Campaigns Using Salesforce Email Template Builder

Salesforce email templates are used in campaigns to communicate with customers and leads faster than ever. They also help to maintain the look and feel of your brand within your emails so that you do not need to design them from scratch each time. Email templates and campaigns these days can also be personalized for any target…

Qualifying Leads with Salesforce

Streamlining Lead Conversion in Salesforce Workflows

Lead conversion in Salesforce consists of tasks and processes to turn qualified leads into accounts, contacts, and opportunities. But, what is a lead? A lead is a person or a company that shows interest in your business products or services. Sales agents often engage with leads to try convert them into customers. The tasks and processes that…

Customer Experience Projects with Titan

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Personalization

Previously known as Interaction Studio, Salesforce Marketing Cloud Personalization gives teams the power to visualize and manage their customer experience projects. This powerful feature also includes real-time customer interaction solutions. With Marketing Cloud and Salesforce, marketing professionals can boost customer engagement at the right time by using targeted content that consumers favor. Join us in the article below to…

Marketing Solutions from Titan

The Ultimate Sponsorship Proposal Template Guide

Sponsorship is a collaborative marketing arrangement in which a company or individual pays to be associated with a particular event, project, or initiative in exchange for promotional benefits and brand association. That is why sponsorship can be essential to hosting successful events, running nonprofit organizations, and growing community projects.  However, creating a compelling sponsorship proposal that can…

Document Solutions for Clients

Building Your Own Marketing Proposal Template with Examples

As a marketer, it’s important to have a marketing proposal that will grab the attention of your potential clients in a few seconds. A marketing proposal is a document that outlines a marketing strategy and the services that you will provide to your client. It’s a crucial step in winning new business and building a long-lasting relationship…

Web - Working with Salesforce Data

Email Marketing Automation Strategies for Salesforce Data

Salesforce is the world’s leading cloud-based software. It was created to help organizations grow their customer base, increase sales, and provide the best customer service possible using advanced technology. So, for us, it comes as no surprise that you would be using the customer relationship management (CRM) platform for all your marketing initiatives. Today, we are going…

Marketing Models Explained

Titan’s Guide on the Multi-Touch Attribution Model

You can find the use of multi-touch attribution models in the marketing world as they give professionals a chance to understand which touchpoints or interactions influence leads to convert into clients in the customer journey. Join us in the article below to find out more about the different attribution models used in the marketing industry. What is…

Titan's Advice on Salesforce Tools

Exploring Salesforce & Journey Builder

Journey Builder is a Salesforce tool you can access in Marketing Cloud. It is designed to work well with campaigns so you can create and automate customer journey tasks. At its core, Salesforce Journey Builder focuses on customer journeys, so use it to design the communication plan you need. Join us in the article below as we…

Help with Salesforce Information

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Certification Courses

Are you interested in collecting Salesforce certifications for your marketing career? Adding Salesforce credentials to your CV is a great way to show recruiters you know your way around the platform. Salesforce Marketing Cloud Certifications If you want to improve your skills and add achievements to your resume, you can look at Trailhead on Salesforce. It offers…

man with magnifying glass looking at a laptop

Salesforce for Schools | Empowering K-12 with Salesforce Education Cloud

Education Cloud Salesforce – Your Door to the Future ״The direction in which education starts a man will determine his future life״ Plato What is K-12 Education System? The K-12 education system stands for ‘from kindergarten to 12th grade’. Essentially Salesforce K-12 is an elementary school (Grades K–5), middle school (Grades 6–8), and high school (Grades 9–12)….