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Google Drive Integration Guide + TITAN

We added a new feature that lets Titan Flow integrate with Google Drive.

Google Drive is a free service from Google that allows you to store files online and access them anywhere using the cloud. Salesforce Google Drive integration can aid in creating a seamless flow experience.
This new integration between Titan and Google Drive lets you upload generated documents and submit in Titan Flow to your Google Drive storage, allowing you to manage your files in one place and save your Salesforce storage.

Google Drive Image
Google Drive

Using Salesforce Google Drive integration, you will be able to do the following:

light blue tick item
Select the folder path on your Google Drive where the files will be stored with a static or dynamic path
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Select the files you want to upload. You can upload single or multiple files
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Get the URL from your stored Salesforce files in Google Drive. You will then be able to save it to Salesforce, send it by email, and do many other actions on your Titan Flow 
  • The file URL can be saved in Salesforce. The document itself will be stored in Google Drive.
  • This new integration between Titan and Google Drive lets you upload documents generated and submitted in Titan Flow to your Google Drive storage, allowing you to manage your files in one place and save your Salesforce storage.

Authenticate Google Drive Salesforce Integration

  1. On your Titan Dashboard, click on Settings.
  2. Click on the Authenticate button next to Google. A Sign in with Google screen opens.
  1. Log in with your Google credentials. A screen opens that states that FormTitan wants to access your Google Account.
  1. Scroll down and click on the Allow button.

Google is now authenticated.

Click on one of the links to learn more:

Create a custom variable

Configure documents to upload

Do you like this Google Drive Integration?

If you like this Google Drive integration, schedule a demo with Titan today!

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