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Salesforce Non-Profit Solutions

Web portals are integral to the non-profit industry as they offer your audience access to all your information 24/7. Undoubtedly, an established online presence allows non-profits to reach a wider audience to solve community goals.

Titan offers a range of products to make your custom online solutions a reality. This article explores how Titan has helped a non-profit organization integrate effectively with Salesforce to provide benefactors with a seamless donation process.

Follow the article below and let us know if you can relate to the use case or have a specific one that Titan can help solve. 

Time to Leverage the Salesforce Platform

Non-Profit Organization
Non-Profit Organization

Operating since 1995, a non-profit organization specializing in protecting and rehoming unwanted or stray animals decided that it was time to update its donation system to be streamlined, modern, and available online.

The animal shelter decided to turn to Titan to reduce manual work, automate workflow processes with Salesforce, and gain an online presence for animals in need.

“We definitely need help when it comes to Salesforce and IT-related integrations. We would love a way to reschedule our work day to spend more time with animals and less time on administration.“


Getting Started with Titan for Salesforce Non-Profit

Here is a list of requirements the animal shelter needed to fulfill for their website.

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The animal shelter requires a website to showcase articles, videos, reports, and pictures from daily activities.
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The organization requires a website that integrates with Salesforce.
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A website built and maintained with zero code would be fantastic as the organization does not have any coding knowledge.
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The website needs a map to display the areas for available pet adoptions.
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The animal shelter requires a streamlined donation process that is constantly online.
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The website needs donor profiles to track projects and download certificates.

Can you relate to this organization’s use case? Please keep reading to find out how Titan helped them succeed. 

Exploring Salesforce for Non-Profit


Before working with Titan, the animal shelter would provide interviews and photographs to the local newspapers to spread awareness of its cause.

When benefactors or volunteer details had to be included in the organization’s Salesforce system, these were all added manually by the secretary.

Additionally, the animal shelter had many foster partners to help look after animals in the surrounding areas. Unfortunately, the secretary at the animal shelter spent a vast amount of time tracking, managing, and connecting people to fosters in different regions.

Lastly, but most importantly, the animal shelter had an outdated, manual donation process at head office. Many benefactors could not adopt pets but wanted to donate monthly to sponsor animals in foster care. Additionally, donations to the animal shelter went towards the following causes:

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Animal surgeries
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Food and treats for animals
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Medicine for injured animals
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Blankets and towels
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Animal Toys
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Shampoos for animals
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Office stock
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Animal Carriers

The initial process for the animal shelter had a few lengthy tasks. With more animals arriving rapidly, the non-profit organization decided it was time to digitally manage its content and streamline workflow processes for better organizational efficiency.

Titan Upgrades Online Donations within Salesforce Non-Profit Cloud

After consulting with Titan, the animal shelter knew they were in good hands. Titan has successfully provided the non-profit organization with a custom website for its Salesforce requirements.

“Following a short time to upgrade to Titan’s solutions, we now have full control of our Salesforce system, a new content managing system, and a streamlined donations process.”

Head of Cat Department

Here’s How Titan Works in Salesforce

Non-Profit Portal
Non-Profit Portal

Titan improved the Salesforce integration and user experience for the staff at the animal shelter, the donors, the volunteers, and everyone in the cause of animal rescue.

Delivering Salesforce Solutions that work Seamlessly

The animal shelter created a website built with Titan to include videos, blogs, and reports. All these media types are pulled directly from Salesforce, with zero code.

The website included an embedded Google map as per the organization’s requirements. The map pulls live data from Salesforce to display where volunteers offering foster care to animals are based. The map is entirely interactive and provides online visitors with the following functionality:

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Visitors can move around the map.
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Visitors have the ability to zoom and view different locations on the map.
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Visitors can click on many pins or areas on the map.

How to Donate to the Organization

The website conveniently displays how many people have already donated to rescuing animals and allows benefactors to donate money to the organization.

The first step for donors is to sign in to the website with an option to sign up for an account if they are a new benefactors. Logging into the website is easy with these two simple steps:

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Log in with your email address.
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Add a 2-factor authentication code.

Upon logging into the website, a donor sees a stunning web page to donate to the animal shelter. Some elements on the page include drop-down menus, radio buttons, and text fields. Donors have the option of choosing their responses for the following data:

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Choose a currency to donate in.
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Select which animals to sponsor, such as cats, dogs, birds, or reptiles.
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Decide on how much money to donate.

Data on the webpage changes dynamically based on input from the donor!

“I currently work abroad and still want to donate money to my favorite animal shelter. I can quickly and safely switch between local currencies no matter my working location and donate on time.“

Regular Donor

Payments from Donors

Processing payments occur on the same web page used to select criteria for donation. Donors never have to be redirected to a new web page!

Donors provide credit card information and click on the Pay button. The donor will receive a Thank You message if a successful payment has been processed.

The donor can then access their profile to view personal details, all project involvement, donations submitted for the current year, access to donate again, and the ability to download a certificate.


Spotlight on Titan Results within Salesforce

“Titan has surpassed our requirements with a high level of customer experience offered to donors by delivering maps, graphs, and a stunning user interface to view account activity.”

General Manager

There is much more the animal shelter wants to achieve with Titan on its website to boost the organization’s online presence.

*All organizational names and titles used in this article are purely fictional and if they happen to occur in real life it would be completely by coincidence.

Does your Salesforce Non-Profit Org Need Help?

Use Titan to solve your custom Salesforce needs. Watch our Not for Profit Website – Titan + Salesforce video to learn more about working with a Salesforce-focused product like Titan!

Get the platform and start creating no-code features for all your web projects. Contact us on our social media channels below to celebrate a renewed online presence and extend your organization’s Salesforce integrations today!

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