smiling man with yellow background

Titan X Lab

smiling woman with glasses with blue background

Color of element in Email Survey


I would like to ask to provide possibility to change colour of star icon in question embeded in email as they are currently black.

Our company visual comunication require blue or navy colour. Black looks terrible with rest of the colours.




Author’s gravatar
Nadav Gal
7 December 2022

Hi Joana
Just to update that as phase A (tomorrow) we will add a fix to adjust all elements beside YesNo & Star rating.
On Phase B we will handle YesNo & Star rating – I will update.

Author’s gravatar
22 December 2022

Dear Nadav Gal,

What is your updated on this case ? Can I change the star rating colour in my email survey?

Author’s gravatar
Nadav Gal
22 December 2022

Hi Joanna
We already fixed all elements rather then Star Rating + YesNo.
They are more complex to sort but will be fixed as well. I will keep you updated of course.

Author’s gravatar
27 December 2022

Hi Nadav Gal,

Thank you for your reply.
Could you please at least set stars to yellow or golden as default ? If someone has a dark mode in the phone and opens email stars are not visible at all when they black. That would help a lot while those elements are being fixed for customized styling.

Author’s gravatar
Nadav Gal
26 January 2023

Dear Joana
It will be added in our next release.
Stay tuned 🙂

Author’s gravatar
7 February 2023

Dear Nadav Gal,

When is next updated planned ?

BR Joanna

Author’s gravatar
Nadav Gal
7 February 2023

Hi Joanna
When idea status is ‘Delivered’ it means its already live in Production.