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Easy E-Signatures for Salesforce HR Cloud with Titan CLM

Do you need to add electronic signatures to your contracts? Streamline and complete your contract journey with Titan’s Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) today!

Titan shares a real-life use case below that is a challenge for many agencies in the HR industry. Keep reading to find out about Titan’s best-kept secret – CLM.

This article focuses mainly on adding e-signatures to contracts. Please click here if you want to learn more about upgrading your processes with Titan CLM. 

CLM for Salesforce - TITAN

Adding Titan CLM to Salesforce for HR

Recruitment Agency
Recruitment Agency

A small but leading recruitment agency has supplied Titan with a use case. The recruitment agency would like to share its Titan journey with the HR community to show how to use e-signatures seamlessly with Salesforce.

With over 15 years in the business, the recruitment agency has succeeded and maintained excellent long standing relationships with its clients. Due to their focus on client experience and customer satisfaction, the recruitment agency recently turned to Titan to add e-signature elements to contracts. The recruitment agency also hoped to streamline workflow processes for their small team to handle more deals by signing up to Titan.

Integrating eSignatures into Salesforce for HR

Struggles the Recruitment Agency needed to Address

The recruitment agency makes use of Salesforce so the product chosen for their contract requirements must be compatible with this CRM platform.
The contract must be able to travel through a round of comments between an agent and signee.
The contract needs to have an electronic signing process for all parties involved.
The recruitment agency deals with sensitive data and must have a tool that can handle information securely.
All contracts need to be pushed and archived in Salesforce.
The recruitment agents need to track the contract at every stage of the journey
The recruitment agency requires an app that will save the business time. The recruitment agency is growing at a rapid rate and the amount of work is scaling.
The recruitment agency needs a user-friendly interface so that staff can learn how to work with the tool quickly.

“Waiting for job applicants to submit signed contracts can be tiresome. Sometimes clients can take up to 3 days to submit a contract back to the agency due to a lack of hardware. We need to digitize this process!“

Recruitment Agent

Embedding e-Signature signing into the HR Portal

Signing Process
Signing Process

Before utilizing Titan, the HR Team Lead would need to search for a contract and double-check with the document owner if it is valid for sending to a job applicant. The HR Team Lead would then need to edit the contract and update any personal details about the successful job applicant before emailing it to them.

At this point, and each case is different, the HR Team Lead and the job applicant would go through a phase of rounds to edit the contract. Some rounds are fast, but others are slow. Approving these contracts depends on the number of reviews and changes the contract needs. Contract change requests are tracked back and forth via lengthy emails that sometimes get lost. Here are a few examples of data that might need to be edited during a round:

light blue tick item
The spelling of names
light blue tick item
Updating physical address, mobile number, or email address
light blue tick item
Renegotiating salaries or wages
light blue tick item
Readjusting annual leave dates
light blue tick item
Correcting starting dates at a new job

Once the HR Team Lead and the signee are happy with the contract, the signee will print out the document and manually sign it. The signee would then have to scan the agreement into an electronic format and email it back to the recruitment agency.

“I would appreciate a process to sign a contract straight from my mobile device or tablet. I had to travel to my parent’s house in the evening to complete the signing process as I did not have a printer or scanner, costing me time and travel expenses.“

Job Applicant

Make your Salesforce Solutions a Reality with Titan

To increase the speed of signing contracts, the HR Team Lead has requested that the current process be overhauled and made digital with Titan.

Titan is an industry-leading platform created by Salesforce architects for 100% Salesforce solutions. The decision to partner with Titan was a no-brainer to compliment the recruitment agency’s current Salesforce system, to boost the customer experience, and to expand the recruitment agency’s reputation as a tech-leading business.

Titan’s CLM offering has drastically changed how the recruitment agency works by upgrading its workflows to include automated contract management with its Salesforce system. Additionally, Titan fulfills one of the critical requirements from the recruitment agency, which was obtaining access to electronic and digital signature elements that agents can add to a contract before distributing to a job applicant.

Titan CLM
Titan CLM

Supplementing Salesforce Automation with Titan

Operating with the Titan platform, the HR Team Lead mentioned that the ability to automatically push and pull contracts from Salesforce in real-time with no code had been the best decision the agency has made for accurately archiving files and data.

The HR Team Lead no longer needs to ask the document owner if the contract is valid and up-to-date! Contracts pushed and pulled to Salesforce have been 100% completed by Titan. All key stakeholders have access to these contracts to track their status at any time. This process ensures that the HR team uses the relevant contract at all times.

100% No-Code Rounds, Just Clicks with our Salesforce Tool!

The contract rounds are now completely streamlined with Titan. The HR Team Lead can set up the contract in Titan CLM to manage the rounds with the signee. Titan automatically distributes the contract to the signee and HR Team Lead at every round stage.

Additionally, the signee can now view and comment directly on the contract. The HR Team Lead can then view, track, resolve, close, and even reply to the comments left by the signee. If there are any valid change requests, the HR Team Lead can edit the document in real-time, save the edited contract, and resolve the comments all in one space!

An added benefit for the agency was eradicating lost content issues! All comments can now be tracked in Salesforce!

“I can now easily track and update my various contracts immediately! Titan has relieved me from a great amount of manual admin work. I can now focus my time on updating policies and payroll for staff.”

HR Team Lead

Simple User-Interface for E-Signatures

The Titan CLM offering also provides the recruitment agency with electronic and digital signatures to complete their contract journey professionally.

The HR Team Lead can prepare a contract with all the defined processes from the collaborator rounds, add signers to the agreement, and preview or adjust the signature elements on the document before distribution with absolutely no code!

“Usually, after a contract has been edited, elements start to shift. I am pleased with how I can rearrange the signature elements to ensure that our documents are professional and always of the highest quality.“

HR Team Lead

Dispatching Contracts with Titan

Distributing contracts through Titan CLM for HR teams is entirely secure. At all stages of the contract lifecycle, Titan ensures the contract’s security with 2-Factor Authentication, a crucial requirement from the recruitment agency.

Responsive Generated Documents

All generated documents from Titan CLM and Salesforce are responsive and allow a signee to sign a contract electronically.

The job applicant can review and sign a document instantly over a mobile device or personal computer and immediately send the contract back to the recruitment agency. This time-saver has profoundly impacted the recruitment agency, and executives are noticing staff spending less time reminding applicants to provide feedback on a contract’s status.

Generated Documents
Generated Documents

Additionally, Titan CLM pushes the signed contract directly to Salesforce in real-time, ensuring that the client data and contracts are accurately, securely, and promptly archived to improve business efficiency.

Track your Process from End-To-End

Titan ensured that all agents at the recruitment agency could track documents in their respective lifecycles with customized Salesforce dashboards. Staff can view all documents in a centralized location and no longer have any difficulty finding out where agreements are stuck.

Additionally, Titan removed key man reliance on contracts by pushing all documents to Salesforce in real-time so that colleagues could access the agreements in a centralized location. The recruitment agency could now continue functioning without the need to contact an agent if they were unavailable due to various reasons, such as:

salesforce pink tick
salesforce pink tick
On a phone call
salesforce pink tick
Annual leave
salesforce pink tick
Sick leave
salesforce pink tick
salesforce pink tick
No access to internet connection
salesforce pink tick
And so many more use cases!

Create Tailor-Made Salesforce Solutions to keep your Staff and Customers Happy

The HR Team Lead now distributes, tracks, edits, and resolves all contracts that need signing through email notifications and Titan CLM.

This new, automated workflow process has given clients an elevated customer experience and the power to sign contracts faster at their convenience. The HR Team Lead now has more time to focus on other management tasks and duties. He now lets Titan CLM manage the contract lifecycle, with all activities automatically tracked for his perusal.

For the recruitment agency, the new workflow process has streamlined tasks across the whole company, ensuring a fully digitized system that can now support a more extensive customer base with a quicker turnaround time for all consultations.

*All organizational names and titles used in this article are purely fictional and if they happen to occur in real life it would be completely by coincidence.

How can Titan help you extend your Salesforce for HR?

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