Knowledge Base Category: Common Errors

Multiple Found Error in Titan

Example of the full error message: Account – skip skip – multiple found ::::: SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Id <> ” LIMIT 20 On which product will you see the error? Any Titan product Why did you get this error? There were several records on the Salesforce Get that answered the condition (to skip if…

Invalid_Query_Filter_Operator in Titan

Example of the full error message: Contact INVALID_QUERY_FILTER_OPERATOR: SELECT Id, Name FROM Contact WHERE Id LIKE ‘%0038d00000MU0daAAD%’ LIMIT ^ ERROR at Row:1:Column:37 invalid operator on id field On which product will you see the error? You may see the invalid query filter operator Salesforce error on any Titan product. Why did you get this error? An incorrect…

No Token ::::::: Salesforce

On which product will you see the Salesforce token error? Any Titan product Why did you get this error? Salesforce has not been authenticated in Titan, or the connection has been revoked. How can you fix the error? Authenticate Salesforce in Titan. Follow the steps described in this article: Getting Started with Titan for Salesforce: How do…


Example of the full error message: Form_Builder__MySubmission__cNOT_FOUND: The requested resource does not exist On which products will you see the error? Why did you receive this error message? The Titan package has not been installed in Salesforce or has not been updated to the latest version. You should at least have version 1.35. If your version is…

Invalid Type in Titan

Example of the full error message: INVALID_TYPE: FROM TitanSurvey__Survey__c ^ ERROR at Row:2:Column:10 sObject type ‘TitanSurvey__Survey__c’ is not supported. If you are attempting to use a custom object, be sure to append the ‘__c’ after the entity name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names. On which product will you see the…