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How do I grant/revoke access to Third Party Apps and Salesforce?

Are there any prerequisites?

You will need a registered Titan Account, which comes in Free, Teams, and Business Pro packages.

What steps should I follow?

 1. Once you are logged in, navigate to Settings, and Integrations, which list third-party apps available to you under Integration Status.

Step 1 - An image depicting where to find Integration Status.
Step 1

Note: If you are registered with Titan, Salesforce is the first app you will connect to. With Salesforce you will get Salesforce productions, Salesforce JWT, and Salesforce Sandbox. Should you require Sandbox and Production you require separate licenses.

2. Click on Authenticate, which takes you to the Salesforce login page.

Step 2 - Authenticate button
Step 2

3. Log into your Salesforce account.

Step 3 - Image of Salesforce Login
Step 3

4. Once you Log in, you will receive a message stating ‘Thank you for authenticating

Step 4 - An image of the authentication message.
Step 4

5. Go to your Titan Integrations page, under Integration Status a checkbox will appear against the app showing authentication.

Step 5 - Checked authentication box.
Step 5

6. Want to revoke the third-party app, simply click on Revoke and it is done with just one click.

Step 6 - Revoke button
Step 6
Step 7 - Success message.
Step 7

Titan’s Takeaway for Salesforce Solutions

With Titan, we give you the flexibility to grant and/or revoke access to Salesforce and Third Party Apps, easily in just a few steps.

You can reach out to Titan by visiting:

Salesforce AppExchange Logo
Salesforce AppExchange Logo

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